Hazeldene Medical Centre

97 Moston Lane East, New Moston, Manchester, M40 3HD

Telephone: 0161 241 8039

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Suggestions and Complaints


If you want to make a formal complaint.

It is helpful if it is made in writing and addressed to the Practice Manager, Kim McDermott, who will be happy to assist you.


Time limits

Complaints should be made within 12 months of  the event or within 12 months of discovery

of a problem, providing it is within 12 months of the incident. There is discretion to extend this time limit and each case would be assessed on its own merit.

 What happens after you make a complaint …

We will aim to acknowledge all complaints within 3 working days of being received

 We will endeavour to provide you with a

Full written response, whenever possible, within 20 working days

If it takes longer than 30 working days to resolve your complaint, we will keep you informed of its progress at regular intervals.

Can anyone offer assistance to make a complaint?

Yes, advise can be sought from:-

Although we would hope that you would be able to raise any concerns with us directly, if you feel unable to, you have the right to complain to

NHS England.  NHS England cannot investigate a complaint that we are already investigating.

Their contact details are: NHS England, P O Box 16738, Redditch, B97 9PT, email:

england.contactus@nhs.net or telephone 0300 311 22 33

Independent complaints advocacy service (ICAS) – offering free advice or support in making complaints about NHS service. Telephone 0808 801 0390

If you remain dissatisfied then you have the right to contact the Health Service Ombudsman

The Health Service Ombudsman, 11th Floor Mill Bank Tower, LONDON,SW1P 4QP

Tel: 0345 015 4033


If you want to make a comment on the service you have received:

The practice is grateful to receive any comments about the service the practice provides.

Comments are used to acknowledge good service and improve any services that maybe lacking at the practice.


Please address you comments to the Practice Manager, Kim McDermott

Can I make my comments via any other service?

Yes you can.

You can make comments via the NHS choices website. The surgery however requests any comments regarding improvement to the service are made direct to the surgery, in the hope they can be rectified directly. Any comments made directly on the NHS choices web page are subject to NHE approval before making the comment live.